Friday, January 21, 2011

Oh what a beautiful morning...

oh what a beautiful day...everythings going my way.

It is a beautiful day here in Billings. The sun is shining, the ice is melting and it is Friday. I am so glad that this week is over. Now to relax and have some down time this weekend. No big plans just relax and do some scrapbooking and make a few cards for upcoming birthdays and Valentines day.

Speaking of Valentines day, I got started decorating last weekend and I love my subway art print that I made. It just looks awesome on my wall.

What do you think?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

and so on

Today is the start of the 3rd week of January, honestly can anyone tell me where time goes?

First of all I want to share the rest of the photos from this week.

me and my shadow

look at those numbers--all of these products are my friends right now!

Mickey is swimming in my tea, oh my!!

Roberta's surprised with a Birthday Sundae at Red Robin
Sugar beet factory--love the smell that it puts out.

January Week 2
From my list yesterday, I really did get alot accomplished. the only thing that I did not do was clean in my scrapbook room. Oh well there is always the evenings this coming week. 

The weather today is warm and damp. It is not really warm, but better than it has been for quite some time. I am so looking forward to spring. I will be so nice to be able to have the doors and windows open and see the trees and flowers coming alive again.

Last night we had Talon for a while and he was so much fun. We made cookies and just had so much fun . 

Well time to get busy with another task or two, or maybe a nap would be nice. Have a great rest of your weekend!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               bye-bye and thanks for looking. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Finally the weekend...

It has been a very long week but the weekend is finally here! YIPEEEEEE YAAAA HOOOOOOO!
I have alot of stuff that I want to do.
  • make a trip to Kohl's and Hobby Lobby
  • pick up the Subway Art I designed and printed at Costco (I will show it later)
  • buy a frame at Michaels for the above mentioned print
  • go thru my Valentines decorations to see what I have
  • make some beef stew
  • clean in my scrapbook room
  • scrapbook
  • make some rolls or bread
  • finish the laundry
  • post all of my photos from this week
I guess if I am going to get all of this done I had better get started. LOL I know that I won't get it all done but what the heck gotta have a goal right.

Well I am off to get started.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

playing catch up

Tonight I am playing catch up on my Project 365. Yesterday I did not take a photo, I just did not have the energy to do so. I have got a cold/virus and it is kicking my butt. It seems that everyone is sick right now.  I did not go to work and I slept most of the day. I am feeling a bit better today but not back at 100% yet.
Rock Creek in Red Lodge
my shadow
these items are my friends right now. 
There you have it I am now caught up with my photos. and it is time to head off to bed. Have a great evening.

Monday, January 10, 2011

behind as always...

I am behind in my posts, but at least I have kept up with taking the photos. I went to Red Lodge for a crop weekend last weekend. It was fun but would have been so much better if I had felt better. I ended up getting a terrible head cold.
The photos I am sharing today are for Thursday and Friday. I also have my first week done and ready to print out. I designed my own templates for project 365 this year.
There is an old fashioned candy store in Red Lodge. When ever we go up there this is one place that we stop.


Week 1
This is my first week of photos. I designed it as an 12x12 layout. I can print it in either a 12x12 or and 8x8 and then just pop it into an album. This was very easy for me to do and I like how it looks. I am anxious to print it out and see how it looks. I figured that this would be a very easy way to keep up with my Project 365.

Tomorrow I will post my photos from Sunday and Monday. Have a wonderful evening!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


It has been beautiful here in Billings the last 2 days. Last night was grocery shopping night so I was busy and not able to share my photo for yesterday.

Roxie loves to play, she will growl and us and yip and carry on when we are playing. Last night Tony was playing with her and all of a sudden instead of shuffeling his feet ate her he picked her up. She did not know what to think. As you can tell by her face in the picture below she was totally confused.
I had actually taken a different photo for today but as I was leaving work tonight the sunset was breathtaking. I just happened to have my camera with me (imagine that) and I pulled it out and snapped this shot. It is so pretty and I am a sucker for a sunset. 
Now it is time to get off of here and go get ready for my day off tomorrow. My bff and I are headed to Red Lodge for a weekend of scrapbooking. I am so looking forward to it. I have to put together some layout packets and then make some salsa.
Goodnight all!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I missed yesterday, not taking the photo, but posting it! I took the photo yesterday after work and that is about it.
I have been so tired lately and at 7:30 I was falling asleep in my chair, so I got up and went to bed at 8 PM. That is so not me, but I guess that I needed the sleep. Anyway now I get to post two photos tonight.

The photo from yesterday (1-3-11) is of our kitten Raj (named after Rajsheesh Kooperpauli from Big Bang Theory). When ever Tony or I sit in the recliner he loves to get up and lay on the back of the chair. When he falls asleep he usually ends up slipping and laying on our head. He is a funny little cat, but we love him and he fits right in our family.

My photo for today was taken this afternoon at the Dr. office. Tony and I both had to have our annual eye exam. I knew that I would not be able to take a photo afterwards as they always have to dialate my eyes and then it takes forever to get them back to normal. I decided to just take a photo there so I took one of the machine that you have to look thru. Hey, it works for me and I bet not too many people have a photo like this one.
I hope tomorrow to get a photo of something very unusual! Have a great evening. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

I love Sunday's!! For me they are usually a day of relaxation and just spending time with the hubbs. Today we did a bit of shopping and had lunch with friends. We went to Red Robin and had a great time visiting and eating. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to have a better waiter.

My photo today is of a Raspberry Lemonade. MMMMM one of my favorite drinks that Red Robin serves.

What is your favorite fruity drink? Do share...

Saturday, January 1, 2011


It is a new year and time for a change. I have had this blog set up for 3 years and I have not used it, but I have decided that I will use it instead of my typepad blog. This is free and typepad I have to pay for.

I am going to be participating in project 365 this year. This is a photo a day for the year. I attemped this last year and I stayed with it thru April. This year I am going to try to make it all year. I have even created a digital template that will hold a week of photos so that I will have 52 8x8 layouts that I can print out at the end of the year.


I hope that you will come back and check out all of my photos everyday.